Curriculum 6-12

Internet Resources – Mathematics
Secondary Curriculum and Resources
Success For All (English)-Brooke Middle School
Carnegie Learning (Math) - Brooke Middle School
McGraw Hill/PLTW (Science) - Brooke Middle School
HMH (Social Studies)- Brooke Middle School
HMH (Spanish) - Brooke Middle School
McGraw Hill (English) - Brooke High School
McGarw Hill(Math) - Brooke High School
McGraw Hill (Social Studies) - Brooke High School
Drivers Education- McGraw Hill
Savvas Science- Brooke High School
Earth- HMH
Chemistry, Honors, AP- McGraw Hill
Environmental- SAVVAS
Physical Science- McGraw Hill
Anatomy/Physics- HMH
AP Bio- Cengage
Honors Bio- McGraw Hill
Bio- HMH
Any questions concerning Secondary Curriculum please Email Corey Murphy!
Mr. Corey R. Murphy Deputy Superintendent Of Schools
Email Mr. Corey R. Murphy 304-737-3481 Ext 1002
Curriculum 6-12
Bhs Program Of Studies