Elementary Curriculum and Resources
McGraw Hill Inspire Science
HMH Social Studies
Math Facts Pro
Students can access text digitally assigned to them through Classlink
Brooke Primary North
Brooke Primary South
Brooke Intermediate North
Brooke Intermediate South
Brooke Middle
Registration Information: 2025-2026 Registration Information!
Kindergarten/Elementary enrollment may be done at the primary or intermediate school within your residential attendance area.
Kindergarten: children who are already enrolled in the Brooke County PreK program do not need to re-enroll for kindergarten. PreK students’ information will be forwarded to the appropriate primary schools. All new students who will be 5 years old by June 30, 2025, will enroll in kindergarten.
*Enrollment for any other student may also be done at the school within the child’s residential attendance area. Please call the school to schedule a time for registration. Registration forms for kindergarten students and older may also be downloaded and returned via school fax to the school: Primary North fax: 304-527-2440 Primary South fax: 304-737-0463 Intermediate North fax: 304-527-2014 Intermediate South fax: 304-737-1760 Parents must enroll their child at the primary/intermediate school located within their residential attendance area. To complete registration, parents MUST also provide the child’s (1) state-issued birth certificate, (2) updated immunization records, and (3) Social Security card. Your child will also need a Health Assessment completed by a physician and an Oral Health Assessment completed by a dentist by the first day of school. These forms will be included in the registration packets.:
NORTH: attendance areas include Colliers, Weirton, and Follansbee
Brooke Primary North – Grades K-2 (304) 527-0870
Brooke Intermediate North – Grades 3 & 4 (304) 527-2250
SOUTH: attendance areas include Beech Bottom, Bethany, and Wellsburg
Brooke Primary South -Grades K-2 (304) 737-0133
Brooke Intermediate South – Grades 3 & 4 (304) 737-1760
Brooke Middle School- 5th grade (304) 737- 3800
To request to send your child to a school outside of your residential area, a “Student Transfer Request Form” must be submitted to the Brooke County Board of Education, attention Lori McLaughin. Transfer requests are subject to administrator and board approval.
For additional information, please contact your child’s school, the Brooke County Board of Education at (304) 737-3481 ext. 1013.
Kindergarten & Elementary Registration Forms
Lori McLaughlin
304-737-3481 ext 1015
Kristina DeMaria
304-737-3481 ext. 1013
The West Virginia General Summative Assessment beings in grade 3