Parent Resources
Brooke County Schools is a proud Purple Star District

Volunteer Information
** Parent Volunteers or non-coaching athletic volunteers must provide their Drivers License at BHS or BMS to be scanned for a volunteer certificate. This certificate needs to be uploaded to your online application before you can be board approved.
Two ways to apply:
apply under volunteer – select school
2. Brooke County Schools home page
Drop down menu on right hand side
District Information
Go to bottom left hand side of website and click Job Postings
You will have to set an application under the new webpage, even if you have applied in the past.
Under vacancy desired apply for Volunteer position for the school you are interested in volunteering.
Copy of volunteer certificate for 2023-24 will have to be uploaded before application is approved.
Be sure to confirm at end of application.
If you have any questions, please Email R Mazzone or 304-737-3481 ext. 1004